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Why don't I get the craigslist results I expect?

Craigslist does not provide us a method to show their results directly on our page, so what we do is generate a set of links to craigslist results pages for your search, covering various regions within your search area. This allows you to easily search larger areas than what craigslist allows on their site.

The easiest way to use the craigslist results is to click the 'Open All' button at the top of the craigslist section, which will open each region in a separate browser tab. 

Just remember that craigslist only deals in keywords - they aren't a car site. So for example, if you search for a 1998-2002 car, you might also match an ad where someone has listed their ride for $2000. Similarly, "BMW M3" might match "Honda Civic - BMW M3 exhaust tips!!!" or whatever.

To help with these sorts of issues, we give you the option to edit the keywords and other info used in your craigslist searches, which you can find at the top of the craigslist section on the AutoTempest results page.

Please note that AutoTempest does not have any affiliation with craigslist, which is a trademark of craigslist, Inc.

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