Hi Sparr, craigslist searches specifically by keywords, not by make and model. When you enter a make and model into AutoTempest, we just shoe horn those in to the keyword fields on SearchTempest / craigslist, so as it stands, searching on SearchTempest using keywords is just as effective as AutoTempest's make and model selectors. We will be adding the year filter to SearchTempest soon :)
Hi Sparr, craigslist searches specifically by keywords, not by make and model. When you enter a make and model into AutoTempest, we just shoe horn those in to the keyword fields on SearchTempest / craigslist, so as it stands, searching on SearchTempest using keywords is just as effective as AutoTempest's make and model selectors. We will be adding the year filter to SearchTempest soon :)
Hope that helps!