Be able to dismiss vehicles that are mislabeled or misrepresented so people don't have to keep moving through those in saved serches.
In a saved search, 60%-70% of the specific trim I'm looking for are misrepresented or mislabeled by the various sellers (dealers and private). It would be nice to be able to dismiss individual cars that pop up in the results so people don't have to sift through them every time. (i.e. Remove this listing from future search updates)

This is a feature we're considering, but it's going to be a bit, as we've got a few other things in the pipeline first. (At a minimum we'll need to have user accounts first, so there's somewhere to store the cars you've hidden.)
Regarding that specific search, please consider submitting a support ticket; maybe we can clean up the results.
Lee Hoefs commented
When you are looking for something particular I.E. a hatchback. It would be nice if it said how many vehicles were available in your search. But if you were allowed to go into the available models in the search and deselect a vehicle that comes up in a search. For example- if I search for a hatchback, I'd like to be able to go in amd remove the Kia Soul from my available search.