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  1. retain the sources list on refresh

    When I pull up email search results and refresh the page to see the latest results of that search, the sources list randomly resets to different values, thus affecting the new search results. The selected sources do not appear to be saved with the rest of the settings in the saved search.

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    So, what's happening here is, the list of sites to choose is a preference rather than part of the search. When you open the sites list and save your changes, those settings will be used for all future searches until you change it again. Except... if you saved an alert with a different set of sites than the one you're now using, and you pull up the results from that search, we will show all the sites that were saved to the alert, because otherwise you might not see the cars you were alerted on.

    However, we didn't want to just override your setting, since that might not be expected. As you've pointed out though, that causes a different kind of unexpected behavior, in that next search (including if you refresh), it then reverts back to your saved site list. We will need to address that.

    We'll dig into the…

  2. Increase the number of saved searches or add more options

    I want to search for 12 cars (across six brands) in 30 zip codes. At three email addresses per car, I need 36 email addresses to cover my needs. I'm looking for my next OpenPilot car in areas with a low risk of corrosion due to salty air or harsh winter weather road treatments.

    If I could click a checkbox for "OpenPilot compatible" and select multiple regions from a dropdown list, such as Northeast, Mid-Atlantic, Southeast, South, Midwest, Upper Midwest, Plains, Southwest, Mountain West, PNW, and West, I could limit each search to one per brand and stay within the…

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    We are considering increasing the number of alerts after we add user accounts to link them to (which we'll be focusing on after we finish the price trends tool we're working on now!)

    We will also at some point be adding the ability to search multiple makes and models at once, though I'm not sure exactly where that fits on the timeline yet.

    For now, I would recommend searching fewer individual zip codes, and instead picking one or two central ones and increasing the search radius to incorporate a larger area.

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  4. add ability to exclude brands and models from a search

    I think a search feature that would be helpful when someone isn't searching for a make or model specifically but by option or make only, for example if you're looking for any 4x4 SUV but you know you don't want a Jeep product you can exclude that make.
    or searching for any toyota suv except for the CH-R you could exclude it from the search.

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    That would be very helpful to have in the search filters. We're planning on adding multiple makes/model selection, this might be something that could be included alongside those. Keep an eye out for that feature in the future!



  5. search, a free and less scammy car marketplace

    search, a free and less scammy car marketplace. no more scams, bots, fees, and waste of time. Better search features too!

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  6. add luxury segment search, lexus, mb, bmw, audi... to look for all at once

    can't save time by completing multi-criteria search

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  7. Please include

    Was searching for first generation Aston Martin DBS V8 cars of the late '60s early '70s and autoTEMPEST blanked. At several showed up.

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  8. A tool to filter "no reserve" auctions on ebay, or atleast away to seperate auctions with no "buy now" feature which are ultimatley always t

    A tool to filter "no reserve" auctions on eBay, or at east away to separate auctions with a "buy now" price which ultimately always are the same as the reserve anyways.

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  9. Ability to hold the CTRL button to select multiple options from the dropdown menus.

    Currently when you select a color or other option from the dropdown menu the menu closes and you have to reopen it for each option you want to select. It would be much nicer & faster if we could hold the CTRL button down and the menus stay open so we can select multiple options quickly.

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  10. Vehicle size selection

    Select vehicle size: micro, sub-compact, compact, etc

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  11. Detailed Transmission Filter search

    I would like to see detailed transmissions search. Not only automatic or manual but also able to see - Cvt - 8 speed - 10 speed which manufacturer, - manual but is it 4 speed or 6 speed. And being able to filter the search for exact speed or model.

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  12. "No Accidents" Filter

    It's very frustrating looking for a clean titled vehicle only to click on an option, scroll down, and see the dreaded "Accident or Damage Reported".

    These vehicles should have a filter to be completely hidden. Many of the results are coming from, and this website has a very distinct and obvious section where damage is reported.

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    Yeah, that could be annoying for sure.  Most accidents don't result in a totalled car or branded title, so if you're trying to filter out any car that's had an accident, that's not currently possible.  Unfortunately we don't currently have access to that information from most sources.  (The carfax information that appears on the detail pages isn't included in the feed they send us.)  I'll certainly keep this request open though; maybe we can get that added in the future.

    In the meantime, if there are common phrases you're noticing in the vehicle descriptions that note there has been accident damage, you could filter those out with negative keywords or key phrases, using a minus sign followed by the word or phrase, like -"accident damage".  But as I said, the specific section you mentioned that's provided by Carfax doesn't appear to be part of the vehicle description that we…

  13. Please Add "Made In" filter to search

    I would like to see models there were made in Japan for example (VIN starting with J) and this can be easily achieved with a "Made In" filter.

    Compare the starting letters of a VIN with the table in World manufacturer identifier and we can then search for cars that were manufactured in any country.

    Thank you!

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  14. Add filter for towing capacity

    It would be great to have a filter for towing capacity to compare between vehicles and see what's the best option for towing.

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  15. Add filters for max seating capacity

    Please add a filter for number of people the cars seat. With different SUVs with a 3rd row is not always straight fwd if it seats 7 or 8 people.

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  16. Instant Shipping Quotes

    You need to add instant shipping quotes like has. So that when I do a nationwide search I know if I can afford to have the vehicle delivered to me

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  17. Side by side comparison

    A side by side comparison of behicles you pick. Mileage, $$$, year, key accesories, etc....

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  18. Search by number of seatbelts!

    Please please please add a feature to search for vehicle by number of seatbelts. There are a lot of SUVs that make models with an optional third row and it is incredibly tedious to look at each listing.

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  19. add the ability to filter out specific sellers.

    My results are full of flood and totaled vehicles, even when I sort by clean title. The ability to blacklist sellers would be fantastic, since it's just the one seller. They're 43 miles from me, but all the big cities are around 100miles away, so I can't change distance.

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    While we don't have an explicit option to filter sellers, we do support negative keywords.  Is the dealer's name in the body of the ad?  If so, you could filter out any ads containing that word by putting it in the keywords prefaced by a minus sign, like


    Does that help?

  20. add abilty to restrict certain locations

    current where i live i get flooded with ads from Brooklyn, NY and have to scroll through a dozen ads to get to a different location. makes autotempest near impossible to find a car in my state thats not in Brooklyn

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